
Your Brilliance

Embrace your Life with Purpose!

Begin your Journey with a


Session TODAY

The Mind has no Answers

The Heart has no Questions – Buddha

Our Mission is to guide you in creating meaningful relationships with yourself, colleagues, family and others.

ANSWER THIS: How often do you stop yourself from saying something that is important to you?

“The GOOD LIFE is built with good relationships.”  Robert Waldinger

Instead of running away from your life and compensating elsewhere, what if you began to restore what’s broken?

We believe that the above is only possible when you take full responsibility for the experience you have in life. In other words, commit yourself to Self-Mastery and learn how to thrive in uncertainty.

Did you know that a high percentage of the time we operate on autopilot “sleeping-awake” mode? Our aim is to shift that percentage a little more each day by creating awareness that provides you the opportunity to choose differently in whichever aspects of your life you would like to see a different result.

Learn to program yourself consciously!

ANSWER THIS: How have you been complicit in creating the conditions in your life that you say you don’t want?

We acknowledge that poor health increases the negative effects on our mental wellness. Poor sleep, not eating well, not exercising, poor hydration, pharmaceutical medications, etc., impacts lives, emotions, energy and thought patterns.

Work with a Coach who understands the minefield of human behavior. We will not just teach you skills, but find the source of those unconscious patterns/habits and shift them little by little.

We offer you support, motivation, understanding and accountability throughout the process of realigning your personal Life Journey!

It would be an honor to partner with you. I can’t wait to get started!

All we really want is to get to the

point where the Past can explain 

nothing about us… and we can 

get on with Life. – Richard Ford
Teens on phones

Realign Your

 Challenging relationships with teens can be transformed into powerful bonds through connected communication.


Let’s step-up and shine as much joy and abundance into
our lives.
Join a culture of inspiration, light and motivation.


Receive healthy Family Relationship tips and exclusive access to our upcoming courses and webinars.

Karolyn Hawker

From my Library

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