
Businesswoman with Teenage Daughter

Before coaching with Karolyn, I struggled with my relationship with my daughter. We fought constantly, were always yelling at each other, there were many times we never seemed to even be able to enjoy fun activities together. There were times where my husband hated to come home because of the constant bickering and arguments.

I gained many insights working with Karolyn more than I can probably list here. I learned about myself, learned to listen, be more present, slow down, and most importantly how to not judge or jump to thoughts but understand and learn the source of the issues. I also learned we all say things in different ways and understanding what a person is saying may not be what you’re hearing and vice versa.

Karolyn’s coaching has resulted in significant changes in our home. The constantly yelling has stopped and my ability to handle situations that previously resulted in disputes, hours of not speaking, or constant bickering have stopped.

I enjoyed each lesson and looked forward to moving on to the next, but most importantly I love the changes I have been able to make through the journey. They have impacted more than just how I communicate with my daughter, but with other family members, friends, and co-workers. This program brough insight that will help me long tern continue to develop, grow and improve my relationship with my daughter.

I was sceptical if this program would help or if it would be beneficial, but looking back it was one of the best parenting decisions I have ever made.

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